Tuesday, August 24, 2010

lil update

Heya my peeps!

I found two new hiking buddies and I like it!
It gave me a reason to pick myself up again.
However... I have been sick! So, I have not been able to hike. I have been still walking to work. I can't afford to take a day off. So, I suppose that is at least on the good side. I feel better this week. All that is left is my darn cough! I am working on it though! I have natural remedies I am using that helps.
I just wanted you to know I wasn't dead, and if I didn't think hiking was a bad idea I would be hiking.
I will leave the remedies for being sick on my "Our Golden Ratio" blog tomorrow.
I have started the blog finally and updated it with two separate blogs for today, so tomorrow is perfect for this update.
thanks a bunch.


Friday, August 6, 2010

In Depth Plan!

Dear you,
Hey there! Well, it's time for another post. I have been keeping busy with a lot of activities but not any concentrated and intended workouts. However, I will start Starting Monday.

This weekend I must clean the disaster that is in my apartment. I will be rearranging the house, and trying to get rid of clothes and I hope to get rid of my art. I feel like if I were to burn them it would be a waste... so, I plan on letting someone else use em for firewood behind my back. lol.

On Monday I have a hiking date with a coworker. No... it is not a date date. It's just two chickies going hiking... suffering

My downstairs neighbor ended up being in penthouse magazine and these other mags. I am happy for her, but I feel embarrassed to be outta shape. My boyfriend came in and told me about how hot our neighbor is and as soon as I saw it I went upstairs, did my make up and hair and came back down to hang out with my neighbors. How embarrassing! So, Ive decided to go more into depth and really try hard to pick myself up again.

so I updated on was my eating plan. I told you about my monthly plan on exercising and eating. You know, the one with a bigger girl and one with one in shape, with arrows and goals on it. Well, I've decided I've gotten off to a rotten start the second time around, and I have so much weight to catch up on.

I am keeping my monthly calendars posted. Three total, but: one on the fridge, one above my bed and one in the bathroom. I always end up using the one in the bathroom to update the most. Anyways, tonight I made a weekly calender with the same meal plans!

These weekly meals plans will be like my food diary. I will be printing out my weekly meal schedule, and leave space next to it to detail about any changes and what time I ate. Then I am going to put a blank page behind it, and I must write about how I felt about each meal, what my thoughts on about the meals, the day for exercise(if I wish) and if I have any upcoming dates where food will be replaced for a meal do to an occasion of some sort and how I plan on dealing with it. Once that day comes, it will be interesting to see how I did. I will collect these weekly and at the end of the month make an assessment. Write about it and see if I will continue.

Wish Me Luck!


Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hey there peoples!
Ok. So The month of July is over. The weather's been fabulous and I have been enjoying it.

I have not been hiking or working out. At all. The only sort of exercise I've had the entire month was at work or walking to and from work. To and from work is about 2 miles each way. So, I guess it's better than sitting on the couch.

Even though I have not done any substantial working out I have been eating well and keeping up with my three weigh in's. I have been eating a lot of yogurt, cereal, salad, fruits, veggies, rice, and sushi!

Here it is folks.. the good stuff!







Ok...ok...ok...ok! I know thats pretty bad. LOL. pretty terrible. I had a huge set back. I still don't feel like getting my butt up and doing things but I am going to anyways! I know my goal is pretty far but this goal is just adding up what I missed and the goal I am supposed to reach if I were on track. I probably wont reach that goal but it is there none the less. I am not so stressed out about reaching my goal like I was in the beginning but it is still very important and I still have that shirt to wear.My next post will be my plans and I do have them even though I feel like being a lazy butt. I will continue to eat well. Wish me luck, I need it.

thanks for tuning in,


Saturday, July 17, 2010


hey guys.
Today I was just wanted to brake from my usual physical health chit chat and talk about life a bit.

In an earlier blog I had said that life is complicated. It sure is. I guess I've been thinking a lot and I'd feel better if I typed it out.

Once upon a time I lived in Tucson, Arizona. I didn't have many friends, but it's easy to make them for a night in a university/drinking scene. One young man was rather interesting. I bought him tea out of necessity. I was already drunk but I wanted one more drink. In order for me to use my card I had to buy two drinks. He was the lucky boy reading in the bar sitting next to me that got his choice of anything. He was in a bar reading, and wanted tea. I told him he could have whatever he liked and he kept his word and got tea. It was interesting to me so we ended up talking for a hour or two.

He ended up asking me a question that I always ask myself. What is my "why" in life. Why, I get up, Why I continue to do the things I do and just why my worlds the way it is.

As you may know I have been a bit depressed lately, and now in a blue streak I ask myself what is my why? The question why has always been important to me. In the hard times I ask myself why it had to happen to me. In the good times I wonder why I am so lucky and if it will stay. Then the final why. What is my "Why"

I have just realized I focus more on why instead of what is my why. I am a mystery to myself. I can usually only apply negative contributions to my personality. If I apply positive it is just too restricting. Even though there are things I do not like, there are things I can put up with. The question that asks me what my why removes trying to figure me out through my negative attributes to my characteristics and, instead, goes to the very root of myself.

I used to be lonely in Tucson. I was in a new state, no friends and no family. I did not speak to my family and my friends were forgetting about me and carrying on with their own busy life. All I had was my dog. My dog became my why. It sounds absolutely mad and pathetic but tis true.

I no longer have my dog and I no longer have my why. I do things with a short burst of why, but nothing permanent. Nothing to be my rock. This is why I fall so easy. I need a why and I have none.

I hope I will find one again. I suppose it is why I feel empty or lonely now.

Still pondering,


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Let's Ride... Upcoming Events!

Hey Guys.
It's been a while. I think a week. I feel awful about not working out, but I have only had the energy to go to work, the bathroom and squeeze a salad in.

Yes, I am still depressed. However, I had a conversation with a friend who cared and it made me feel better. It was nice to talk to some one and laugh. So, Thanks Andrew! It meant a lot to me.

I hope I did not gain all my weight back. I am just going to continue as if I never stopped. There area also a few new things I am going to do.

BLOG(S): I have decided I do not want to mash all the things I'd like to talk about under one blog. This way it will be easier for you to keep track of particular subjects.

There is another blog I have, The new blog is under this same profile and it's name is : Our Golden Ratio. It is going to be the beauty/fashion side of my blog.

My future plans will have maybe another one or two blogs. One about cooking and another just personal.. maybe l.a/California adventures/recommendations.

TWITTER: I have a nosnoozieq twitter. I am not very popular so, I have time to fix it up and work on it,lol. But, that is what the next upcoming event is.

I have an account. It is the same name and I will set a link and make a post about it when the video's up.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Dusting My knees Off- I hope

I know I made a post last night about getting up from the horse when you fall off but these things take time for me. Maybe, I should explain.

This entry will be my most personal entry, so it may be boring but for those of
you who want to understand more about how it all works for me, I think this is one of the things you should know.

First off, I am still very depressed and I haven't worked out in a couple days. Until a few months ago I've had serve depression and anxiety for most of my life. My anxiety and depression caused me to have fatigue, stomach problems, large amounts of hair falling out and to have breakdowns more often than not. I thought it was normal to feel the way I did, after all, my childhood was not as ... warmhearted as it was supposed to be. One day my boyfriend informed me that I was sad, and in pain all the time. To my surprise I said "I am?". I had gotten so used to the state of being I thought it was just the way I was meant to be.

It took a year to understand that I was not feeling the way a healthy person should.
After all these years, I finally couldn't take it anymore! I just could not go on living the way I was. I would do anything just to function. So, I decided to start taking care of myself. I thought "I must fix my mind". However, during a session with my amazing therapist, I realized I must start taking care of all of me. Body, mind and soul. That day I talked a friend into hiking with me and we have been hiking and/or working out since.

I don't understand why I haven't really changed. I tried. I really, really tried. I thought it was. Ever since that day I had my crying breakdown I posted about I have just gone back to feeling how I used to. I just don't know if I am meant to feel any other way. I've been thinking about giving up this blog, working out, therapy, and I've been coming home to shower and sleep. I haven't really wanted to be awake or talk but I am doing my best to do it anyways. I am supposed to go hiking twice tomorrow. I don't know if I will (I have trouble getting up when I am depressed) but I will try and I will try to think positive.

I hope I can start again,


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Falling Off The Horse

Hey guys.
Sometimes life is really complicated. I often find myself in a state of
befuddlement because it's impossible imagine how my life got so messy, even though
it is I who chooses my paths.

Last night was no good. I hear how I am fat and how I need to lose weight from my coworkers everyday. It's already bad I think so, but it's another thing to be reminded of it by my coworkers. Poo.

Anyways, my friend/work out buddy came to pick me up after work (unbeknownst to me) and he is just so mean to me! We are usually insulting towards each other with laughter but I guess he was in a terrible mood, so it wasn't funny this time. We went to the grocery store so I could pick up some things to make a salad and he commented on how I looked as if I gained weight and I just couldn't take it anymore!

I could hold it until I got in the car, but after that I flooded the car. I couldn't
stop crying and I didn't want to talk about it. I just wanted to go home. I wanted to go home, lay in my bed and never get up again.I asked him to take me home. I was so upset I thought to myself "I'll just stop eating!". However, by the time I got home I was hungry, which made me cry more.

I didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't end up working out but I did just eat a salad, even though I felt like eating pizza, a hamburger, and fries. I guess I did eat bad when I felt bad. I never noticed. I guess I noticed this time because instead of eating what I wanted my boyfriend said no, and I just paced around my apartment and cried until I made my salad. After, I was still hungry but I just had a glass of milk to fill me.

I felt so bad for not working out. I felt so bad for wanting to eat more. I felt so bad because I'm not losing weight fast enough to make people stop bringing my weight up. I felt so bad last night I feel pessimistic now. I don't want to talk to my friend today either, and he's the one with the gym.

All this overwhelming, depressing emotions have put a dent in my faith in me, and my work out schedule. However, I am trying to remember to take responsibility for my own emotions and actions! Just because I fell off the horse (wagons more like doesn't mean I should lay there and cry.

Trying to get back up,



Saturday, July 3, 2010

New Month, New Plan!

So, this is a new month and I am rather excited/nervous about it!

This month is the month where I have to put a match under my bum because
I must lose 33 pounds to catch up. whoa! That's a lot for a month I think.
That's one pound every day this month, except on two i need to lose 2.

So, I know I'm starting 3 days late but I made a calender again. Same concept
but I planned out my meals for the month. I upped two days a week to going hiking twice a day per week. I also am going to work out every day. My meals mostly consist of: oatmeal
pb&j with honey
I know this seems really bland but not only is it healthy but good for my Gerd. I don't mind it though because I am really determined to get into shape.

I, also, hope I can get some whey protein. I think i will be replacing a meal with it if I do get it but until then I am going to stick to whats on the menu. I know it builds muscle (which I will be looking forward to), but I also hear it helps with weight loss. So, I hope that goes well.
I'd hate to grow hair on my chest and become sirnosnoozieq. lol.

well ladies, audios


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Weigh In- bum bum bum!

Hey there guys!
Well... I must say it's been a really busy month. Working out makes me feel as if my life were fuller some how, but I know it's only two or three hours of my day. Kinda weird huh? I'm super tired!As of right now, my arms are very sore. Yey!

Anyways, on with the main bits!
In the middle of the month, on the 15th, I weighed myself and I had gained weight! I weighed 185 pounds! I was so upset! I think I was really stressed out about it! How could I have gained weight when I was working so hard? I was ready to give up right there. I felt so bad about gaining weight I wanted to see if continuing I could lose weight. So, I weighed my self the other day and GUESS WHAT?!

I lost 6 pounds! Yey! I am at 179!

I can't tell at all. I feel like maybe I just didn't weigh myself right? I must have, I am trained to do weigh ins (I am a C.N.A). I cant believe it took a month to lose 6 pounds! That's really slow! I mean, for me anyways. My boyfriend says the weight should start falling off now but im not holding my breath. Either way I am happy. It is certainly better than going on that scale and having it go up!

I want to lose 50 pounds, and I want to do it in 3 months. That means about 17 pounds a month. I sorta didn't make this months weigh in. So now I have catching up to do!

June: start: 180
mid: 185
end: 179
goal: 163
It's like I didnt even do this month! I am going to try to make up for this month!

July: start: 179
goal: 146
total: 33
Yikes! Thats a lot but... not impossible. I hope to keep my goal! Wish me luck guys, I need it!

Thanks For Listening!
Happy Fat Losing & Muscle Gaining!


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hey Girl, It's Men!

Hey ladies!

So, I have three calenders posted in my apartment with a schedule of hiking, work out days and weigh in days. On top of the one paged calender are two pictures. One of a Victoria Secret model and the other of a fat ladies belly. There's encouraging words next to the model and a big "No No!" arrow pointing to the out of shape waist. A lot of the time I think of this and it helps. Especially to begin the day.

But what about other visual motivations? How about the men? Ohhhhh! going hiking and working out near some hot men tend to make me hustle my buns a little more! I think "gee, that would be so cool to attract that man". Here are some of the mens I think are soooo hot!

Let me know what you think and send some of the mens you think are hot!


Friday, June 25, 2010

Random Body Tips

Here is a list of random tips to help your body!
Try them and let me know how it all works out!
I hope they help!

*Sleep is free cosmetic medicine.

*Dark cocoa boosts nourishing circulation to the skin.
A recent study, a daily does of cocoa for six weeks
made skin smoother, better hydrated, and less sun-sensitive.

*Don't mix benzoyl peroxide and moisturizer.
You'll dilute the BP to the point of uselessness.

*Spending an hour at the beach today
will help to "dry up" your acne?
Truth is that it'll make it worse.
Skin reacts to UV radiation by
becoming inflamed, Chances are you're likely to have
more bumps and redness from being in the sun.

*More often than not, brittle nails are caused
by excessive exposure to harsh soaps, irritants,
and acetone polish removers

*Vitamin B helps keep hair healthy!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Forget It...Go All The Way

I have decided! Enough of this putzin around stuff! I am going to start hiking the hard hike!
I did it today and it was hard but totally worth it. It was not as hard as the first time, but I have plenty of room for improvement. A cute, big , long black haired dog liked me and kept wanting my back pack, so it was funny/nice/cute. So, that is the good news. That and I am getting a tan! Yey for vitamin D! lol. I really have to get an MP3 player though. That, and a pair of good shoes still.

Also.. I thought I'd throw another informational tidbit out here. If you exercise while ... it's that time of the month then your cramps will go way down! I have been in a lot of pain this year when it was time for my hell week, but this week was a snap! I think I could dig that!

Oh! By the way. lol. I bought new exercise clothes and they're kinda... tight.. I am a bit embarrassed but I want them that way. I am sure I'll fit 'em soon. -I hope!

The last bit of news....
Eat my dust in celebrity world!!!
-as if I cared much about if someones rich- Kendra (playboy with the cutest laugh) and Hank (football player?) were hiking at the same place I was. I did not want to disturb them, so I just looked for a minute. That and I TOTALLY HIKED CIRCLES AROUND THEM!!! lmao! ahh... It's true though. She does look good, even though shes just had a kid, which kinda makes me sad about my Other than that she should really dye her lower half of hair blond instead of bleaching it cause I really don't like that yellowish tint bleach gives. Oh, that and Hank is a giant next to her. Good going Hank.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Sexy Peak!


This is my shirt that I bought in size smaller, to inspire
me to loose weight!
The back and front is sexy! They also had a black one, but I liked this one better. This was at Forever21, perhaps, I'll go back for the other? All I know is I can't wait to fit into that!


These shoes are so cute! They were
inexpensive and can be found at
Forever21! The odd thing about me is
I wear a size 11 in women! BIG feets for a tall girl.
Occasionally I may fit a size 10!
Its worth looking! So, you with big ens take a look!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Being Safe, Wise & Kind To My Body When Hiking!

Hey guys!
well, I am sorry I trumped all over my own post with reasons instead of the motivational
part of my losing weight tips, and the personal pros and cons of hiking.


Pros: *My butt will get into better shape! wahhoo!
*it will tone my legs
*it is a great cardio work out
*it has helped my blood circulate!- I have always had problems
being cold but now I'm warm and it feels fantastic!
*It helps slowly introduce running (because I run down hill)
I can control my breathing! I've always had a hard time controlling my
breathing, but I can pace myself and push myself at the same time, so it
*It's a fun activity that I can do with friends in shape and outta shape
because not too many people hate hiking but many hate running
*There are generally nice and encouraging people at the hiking sites,
so it makes it pleasant

Cons: *It sucked when I first started out because it was so hard.
*My feet got calluses
*If not done properly it causes injuries

*Zuzana Light- I posted her link on the right side
of my blog at the top. Click This Link To Take A Peek At My Inspiration!
*Making a plan, use calenders, dates with friends and motivational rewards *All those time people said I was fat.
*My legs rubbing together when I walk up the hill
*The clothes I cant wear


*Make sure you have your cell phone! incase of any emergencies.
*Make sure you let someone know the general area of where you are going to be
*Make sure that you have the right shoes!
(I don't even have the right shoes yet and it kind of sucks)
*Make sure you wear sunblock! You don't want to burn!
*Definitely stretch! I didn't and my hip was hurting for a week!
*After exercise of any kind if you having knee problems or any
other unusual problems (other than soreness) you should definitely see a physical therapist at
least once to get some advise. I did and it worked for me.
*When you are going up hill make sure to use your butt and not rely on your knees and upper leg
to push you up. I know this sounds weird but I used to and my knees would kill me the next
day. I did not recognize what I was doing that until I saw a physical therapist.
*If your legs are rubbing together its best to wear leggings!
I find they are comfy, don't make you too hot and are light!
Some times they are expensive but forever21 has some basic ones
that are cheap! Leggings!

**Problems with peeing!
I always had to pee when I got to the top of the mountain!
It was so uncomfortable! It seriously looked like I had ants in my
What you should do is through out your day make sure you are hydrated and
go to the bathroom when you need to. 30 minutes before you go hiking stop drinking.
Go to the bathroom every time you have to. Then 15 minutes before make sure
you are not dehydrated. If you are thirsty drink about 4oz of water. It helps
if there is a bathroom at the site so you can go just before you start but if
not try going before you leave. After that the general rule is to not over
drink and hydrate your self every 20 minutes with 4-6 oz of water.

Overall, I love hiking! I get sun, air, a chance to exercise and be social,
to see cute kids and pooches, and to build muscle and LOSE FAT!

Thanks for tuning in and I hope I was helpful! Any questions, tips or comments do yo thang!


Friday, June 11, 2010

One reason is good enough

Why do I want to get into shape? Sure, I think
I could be happy eating what I'd like, never really exercising.
Oh, I could see it now... with a pot belly, coloring and eating pizza on
my lovely red couch!

*I want to be healthy.
*Being able to be social with out drinking and drugs is not the only improvement
On my health and anti-aging.
*I'd like to not fall apart at 50.
*Working out helps with depression.
*Working out means I have a shot at being tired enough to sleep.
*Working out makes my circulation better, so i can stay toasty all the time.
*I hate when my thighs rub together.
*I'd like to be strong and have good endurance.
*Not being rolled down the hall like Violet
*I want to try modeling.
*I'd like to fit in any clothes I like.
*It's a fun hobby.
*I would like to look good on the beach.
*I would like to do all sports like surfing and soccer.
*I'd like to make a life change, not a diet.
***Most importantly-#1:Prove to myself I am a trooper and I can do anything I put
my mind to.
***Most importantly-#2:Also, to help others understand that the pain sucks but it
won't last forever, They can do it too.

It's a long list but true.
I hope to help myself and be helpful to others.
Any questions, comments or anything at all just contact me and I'll do my best!

I would like other

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Not mad about cow and figuring things out.

I have been doing my schedule for about fifteen days and already I feel motivated. I am very tired but I feel good.

I am not sure about going to the difficult hiking route yet. I don't think I am ready for it yet. I am considering just hiking on the easier hike (which isn't too easy, but easier than the other hike). I would still be hiking 4-5 days a week. I do plan on going to the harder area, maybe by next month I'll be ready. I'll keep you posted.

I also have been eating rather well! salads, fruit, chicken, rice, and cereal. Except last night. I had a half a burger with a bit of bacon and avocado, small portion of chili fries and part of a chocolate malt (for the first time- which was thick and delicious). To my surprise, I was so full, sick really. I usually love when I eat at Mel's Drive-in but I don't see myself going back or to any other hamburger joint any time soon.

The truth is I've been very careful of what I eat, in fact so careful I have been trying to find ways to eat more calories because I have been eating less than 1500 and that is unhealthy. I guess I am afraid I will carry more weight up the hike if I eat too much. I am trying to find a balance. It is only the first month, I am sure I'll have things down pat by next month.

Well, I am going to get ready for hiking. I will do extra because of last night. lol. I feel real bad about it. Anywho, the next entry will probably be a bit more helpful instead of personal updating. I will be talking about the pro's and con's about hiking, what helps me get my butt up the route and what inspires me. I hope this will be helpful and inspire you as well.

thanks for taking the time to read this.
Happy weight losing and muscle building!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Muffin tops are delicious to eat but not to wear

Hi there!
I was wondering... Have any of you ever felt like a snail, slow and sluggy, for a long period of time? I do. I am also aware of the phrase "couch potato". lol. Well...
I've decided once and for all I will not be any more!

Hopefully I stick to my goal and get up and lose weight. I am not going to be trying any diet pills or laxatives. I am going to do it the old fashion way... work your buns off and try to eat right.

I have a lot of trouble with this idea. I want to lose 50 pounds in 3 months. From just before I actually began, I am accustomed to eating whatever I like, and using work as an excuse for exercise. It is hard for me to get out of bed and when things are physically challenging I tend to not bother.

I have decided to go hiking (which is 4-6 miles) 4 days a week and an hour of exercise on the other 3 days. I hike in two different areas. Two days a week I do the easier route. the easier route is about 2-3 miles of inclined walking and the rest is down hill running/walking (mostly running). The other two days I hike at a place that is very difficult! Basically, at the moment it is horrendously painful and i don't expect to become good for a while. It is the same distance except the incline is outrageously steep. I have started June 1st, 2010. I weigh 180. I will weigh myself on the 15th and the 30th of June, just to keep track. I will also tell you how my pants are doing

So far so good, except the dreaded two days of hiking on the steepest route. I have been getting up and going with friends and the people who hike at these places are very kind. They offer water if they think someone is in need, they let the dogs run loose and people i don't know encourage me with hi-fives and shouts of confidence in my being able to survive. I am super excited to be doing some thing to change my life. Already, my circulation has improved and I am not as cold as I used to be, my tan is coming back and I feel better with eating better. After all, if I don't eat right I'll have more fat to carry up that terrible hike!

well, I'll keep you updated and I will be taking pictures of my weight loss. This is new to me and I am a little embarrassed, so I will be uploading photos when I've made progress. well, Im off to bed and still excited about a new life style.