Friday, August 6, 2010

In Depth Plan!

Dear you,
Hey there! Well, it's time for another post. I have been keeping busy with a lot of activities but not any concentrated and intended workouts. However, I will start Starting Monday.

This weekend I must clean the disaster that is in my apartment. I will be rearranging the house, and trying to get rid of clothes and I hope to get rid of my art. I feel like if I were to burn them it would be a waste... so, I plan on letting someone else use em for firewood behind my back. lol.

On Monday I have a hiking date with a coworker. No... it is not a date date. It's just two chickies going hiking... suffering

My downstairs neighbor ended up being in penthouse magazine and these other mags. I am happy for her, but I feel embarrassed to be outta shape. My boyfriend came in and told me about how hot our neighbor is and as soon as I saw it I went upstairs, did my make up and hair and came back down to hang out with my neighbors. How embarrassing! So, Ive decided to go more into depth and really try hard to pick myself up again.

so I updated on was my eating plan. I told you about my monthly plan on exercising and eating. You know, the one with a bigger girl and one with one in shape, with arrows and goals on it. Well, I've decided I've gotten off to a rotten start the second time around, and I have so much weight to catch up on.

I am keeping my monthly calendars posted. Three total, but: one on the fridge, one above my bed and one in the bathroom. I always end up using the one in the bathroom to update the most. Anyways, tonight I made a weekly calender with the same meal plans!

These weekly meals plans will be like my food diary. I will be printing out my weekly meal schedule, and leave space next to it to detail about any changes and what time I ate. Then I am going to put a blank page behind it, and I must write about how I felt about each meal, what my thoughts on about the meals, the day for exercise(if I wish) and if I have any upcoming dates where food will be replaced for a meal do to an occasion of some sort and how I plan on dealing with it. Once that day comes, it will be interesting to see how I did. I will collect these weekly and at the end of the month make an assessment. Write about it and see if I will continue.

Wish Me Luck!
