Saturday, April 2, 2011

update = 0 )

i've been hiking off and on.
however i have not done it enough.
oh, dear! it is sooo hot. and .. er..
well because of the lack of commitment to the working out
i am paaaaaying for it. Now, i must be hot and uncomfortable.
you see.. im dating someone and er.. well. hes always mentioning
the girls hes dated and er.. they are good looking and er.. well
i've seen his ex and er.. i believe it and well idk. he seems very
into the idea of me losing weight and doing model stuff.
part of me wants to because of that and the other part of me
wants to gain a bunch of weight and just say - NAH! take that!
i mean.. i think i should do as planned and work out and er..
if i get into shape.. which i hope i do -we all know what a struggle that is-
and do model things and he acts different.. .er.. you think i should cut him?
i mean.. what is some one i liked got into great shape.. i mean.. hmm..
that would certainly make me want to be more... touchy feely i suppose.
i mean it doesnt sound unreasonable.. but er.. i cant help but not like the sound of it. hmmm. im not sure. i think i should do it though.. see what happens.
sounds like an experiment.. i will keep you posted on that.