Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gym Update #2

Gym update!
So, I took 3 days off but I returned today. Today was great! I did my usual routine but I got a nice surprise in the end!
I returned to the gym and I was a bit tired and nervous that I would not be as good as i could be if I never took a day off, but they say it is best to take two days off. I am not so sure about two, but at least one is ok.

To be honest, I am so nervous about the whole thing. When I go, I feel great because I am doing it, but after I get nervous about if I should have done more or I did everything right. Before I go I get nervous about my endurance and performance. When I am at the gym, I may not be the best and it is possible that I am doing it semi right but when I feel the burn it feels great and I get more motivated.
Anyways, I was at the gym today and at the end I got an invite to go to a session with a trainer that works there!

I was finishing my work out with an ab work out and a trainer gave me tips, and insisted I go to a session. H e set one up for me and I am super nervous about it! I hope that I wont be SUCKY! Oh, just the thought.. and I am embarrassed! lol.
I will let you know how it goes!

I hope I can achieve my goals. I will post another with photos of what I would look like. = 0 )
