Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy New Year!
I have been gone for a while but, I am back!
I have been trying to get into computer animation school, I also have
been trying to get myself to go hiking, but its only happened
randomly though out the time ive been gone.

This is a new year and I am super excited because I have that feeling
of motivation. I rarely have it, so I know it when I feel it. LOL.

I have already bought a juicer and have made a deal with my roomie
to eat healthier. I have not been running or hiking because I have been
really sick but come rain or shine, tomorrow I will go hiking twice and running
at least once.

So the juicer was expensive, however.. it is flippin awesome! the best drinks
I have ever made! I must say, I am really nervous about putting veggies in that
thing but I will try it soon. I would so prefer to squish all my veggies into
one cup then have them spread through out the day with a crap look on my face. lol.
In case you have one too and are just starting... I hear that if you add apple to
the juiced veggies it will sweeten it right up! Also.., for some odd reason I can really taste the sugar in the fruits, so it is perfect for a sweet craving!

I am going to get into shape this year! I really want it and I am not going to fail!
I want to get into shape by my birthday, which is when summer will start. My birthday is in June, so I have 5 more months to get these buns going! beach babe body here I come!

I will be using the link on my top, right of the profile to keep track of things and
i will look into doing the work outs with zuzanna light! It's kinda hard cause my apartment is upstairs but i'll figure some thing out. Plus, I plan on getting a gym member ship! I already have two volunteers to be a gym buddy. One buddy is for pilates, and boxing. gosh! Is that ever expensive! It's 200 a month!
The other bud is for the running at the gym.

Now, the running gym guy is supper hot! So, before I embarrass myself I am going to start hiking and running out side of the gym and when i get better at running I will
do it inside on a treadmill. He says all it takes is 5 minutes a day to get better. I believe him!

well.. its that time to go to the grocery store and buy some food!

